“i” (2008)

choreography and dancers: Marta Melucci, Francesca Telli
assistant choreograper: Flora Vannini
light design: Paolo Spotti, Tommaso Zarini
video: Greta Bizzotto, Giorgia Falcier
costumes: Arianna Fantin
music: Thomas Brinkmann, Battles, Amon Tobin, Of Montreal, Psapp
production: Schuko, Festival Exister, Derganinoventi
distribution: Noura Produzioni
duration: 45 min.

I, interior, image, information, internet, intimacy, individual… These are some of the key words which inspired Schuko for this project. The company investigates “identity” by putting an enclosed space on stage, allowing it to filter its content, that binds its inhabitants in a specific area but at the same time it grants any experimentation. An enclosed space but a space made of freedom, where a multiplicity of ways of being may be expressed. Bodies show, hide, transform, seek, choose, continually dealing with the question: “Who am I?”
Inside these interior boundaries they attempt to build something. Within the confinement of relationships and gravity, dance finds its space. An extract of this show titled “Here you are!” was selected in 2008 for the international network Anticorpi Explò.

Photo by Lulù Poletti